Explore new depths of learning, growth and creative expression.Watershed High School is a safe harbor for students, with a small and caring learning community. Our students and staff have cultivated an environment where students can be their true selves, where staff know students as individuals, and where the learning process can be adapted to meet students where they are.
PurposeOur purpose is to cultivate an inclusive and innovative educational environment that empowers students to earn their diploma through alternative learning methodologies and a rich arts-focused curriculum.
School HistoryWatershed began as a private Waldorf high school in 1996 and converted to a public charter school in 2002. As Waldorf-trained teachers retired or moved on and licensure laws changed, the school’s identity gradually changed. We continue to emphasize our rich, liberal arts curriculum; have a focus on creativity and being your true self; and nurture each student in a caring and accepting community. While we are not an alternative learning center, the majority of our students are seeking alternatives to the larger, more restrictive schools where many of them felt ostracized, bullied or ignored. Our general curricular goal is to inspire creative and artistic thinking, not to force-feed facts. Graduation requirements meet or exceed Minnesota standards in all subject areas.